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20 TSA Approved Baby Items – Easily Clear Security Check

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Welcome, fellow parent travelers! Landing here may mean a flight trip with a baby is in the works. Anyone wondering about TSA Approved baby items and what to take on a flight is in the right place.

I know how stressful it can be to take little ones along on a flight. I was always afraid I would take something that would set off the TSA scanners, and we would be in the security line forever. Trying to soothe a baby while waiting can be difficult.

I learned the ins and outs of TSA regulations so I could be prepared. Today, I will share the 20 TSA Approved Baby Items to fly like a pro.

In this guide, I will provide accurate information on what to take when flying to have a smooth trip.

List Of TSA Approved Baby Items You Can Take Through Security

#TSA Approved
Baby Items
1.TSA diaper BagA diaper bag is not considered a carry on item; it is extra.
2.diapersBring enough for your flight + 2 more
3.diaper wipesA full-size container of wipes is TSA approved baby items
4.changing padAny size is TSA approved, but a small one will save room in the diaper bag; NO metal in the pad
5.extra baby clothesAny clothing made of all cloth, plastic snaps work but no metal snaps
6.sanitary wipesA full-size container of sanitizing wipes are TSA approved
7.bottled formulaA bottle of premade formula is TSA-approved. Consider warming the formula with a portable bottle warmer and ask for hot water to warm it. These are medically necessary, so they are TSA approved.
8.powdered formulaA diaper bag is not considered a carry on item; it is extra
9.breast milkYou can transport breast milk in bottles or plastic breast milk bags on ice. Milk is medically necessary.
10.breast pumpA separate breast pump is not a carry-on item; it is extra because it is thought of as medication.
11.bottle warmerPortable baby warmers can go in a diaper bag
12.ice packsBreastfeeding is natural, and some may not want a cover, but in an airport or on a plane, attendants, and personnel may require a cover when you feed your baby.
13.cover for nursingA full-size container of the powdered mix is TSA approved because it is medically necessary. However, if it is more than 8 oz, security may require it to be placed in a bin for X-ray screening.
14.empty bottlesGlass bottles are acceptable, but I suggest non-breakable bottles to save a mess if the glass breaks
15.burp clothBe sure to have extra pacifiers; they are TSA approved
16.pacifierBreastfeeding is natural, and some may not want a cover, but in an airport or on a plane, attendants, and personnel may require a cover when you feed your baby.
17.baby blanketsAll cloth baby blankets are approved
18.baby medications Baby medications are a medically necessary item for travel according to TSA guidelines
19.diaper rash cream TSAFull-size containers are acceptable
20.baggiesBaggies to put your wipes and dirty diapers in are TSA approved.

How To Prepare For Your Flight With TSA Approved Baby Items?

Preparation is half the battle, and flying is no different. First, contact the airline to find out what can go on the plane. Some items may travel better if checked before going through security. 

Sometimesbaby carriers or car seats can be taken on the plane. But only if the flight is not full or the passenger seat is not empty for a baby that is flying. If there is not an empty seat for the car seat, it can be gate-checked, which means it can be checked into the cargo hold just before boarding the plane. 

Investing in a TSA-approved baby item known as a cloth wrap or sling to carry your infant on your body may be worthwhile. But a word of caution: make sure it has no metal buckles. Any metal on the carrier will set off the X-ray machine going through security. 

Also, it may be beneficial to prepare for a flight by purchasing a large, easy-to-carry diaper bag, such as a backpack bag for babies. A backpack will free up hands for other baby chores.

20 TSA Approved Baby Items girl flying

What Are The Rules For TSA Approved Baby Items?

Most frequent flyers you know about the 3-1-1 liquids rule. But the really cool part is when traveling with a baby, the items in the diaper bag do not have to follow this rule. Now, how exciting is that?

Let me clarify this a bit further. Items in the diaper bag, such as baby formula powdered and mixed in a bottle, empty bottles, and breast milk, can be 4 ounces or 8 ounces. However, with the 3-1-1 liquids rule, they must be 3.4 ounces or less. Also, diaper rash creams and medications can be in a large tube or bottle.

Security may require some items to be removed from the diaper bag and placed in a bin for x-ray screening.

How Should I Carry My Baby Through Security?

TSA security checkpoints will allow parents to carry a baby or place the baby in a carrier. The security officer will decide, so if they want to send the carrier through the scanner at the checkpoint, the baby cloth or sling will come in handy. Most security officers will not ask a parent to take a baby out of the sling,, and the parent and the baby can go through the X-ray machine as one. 


Although full-size containers are TSA approved baby items, taking smaller containers will save space in the diaper bag.

Here are a few FAQs regarding TSA Approved Baby Items.

These FAQs on TSA-approved baby items will help ease the stress of traveling with a baby.

What can I carry in a diaper bag on a plane?

Everything that pertains to the care of your baby on the TSA approved baby items list can go in your diaper bag. Because of the size, you may need to carry a breast pump in a separate case.

Will I have to take TSA approved baby items out of my diaper bag to go through security?

Some security agents may require TSA-approved baby items to be placed in a bin to pass through the scanner. However, telling the TSA personnel the obvious—that the bag belongs to your baby and the formula is in the diaper bag—may help.

Does my diaper bag count as a carry-on?

Most airlines do not count a diaper bag as a carry-on bag on domestic flights. It is an extra bag and will not be counted as the one carry-on bag that is allowed.

Additional Resources

If you are looking for more tutorials, walkthroughs, and troubleshooting on accessories, here are some additional posts about accessories:

TSA Approved Baby Items – Conclusion

TSA security checkpoints are baby-friendly and will do their best to make the airport transition smooth. Please comply if they ask you to do something that may take some extra time.

Happy travels, my friends.

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